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Gayarre Conference 2025
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
R.W. Norton Art Gallery
to the following students selected to present their original historical research papers at the 13th Annual Gayarre Conference!
Harrison Ayres
Reese Barnett
Caroline Bartle
Scarlett Benson
Addyson "Eddie" Beshea
Ayden Boutte
Devin Brice
Hudson Bruce
Kyli Bryant
Ellissa Bryant
Jackson Candler
Darren Cannon
Camryn Chambers
Karolyn Clark
Hannah Clarke
Shakiya Colbert
Lillian Davis
Anna-Claire Debroeck
Hudson Dye
Tori Emminger
Emma Fleming
Nathan Franklin
Teresa Franks
Ziporah Gayle
Mallory George
Arden Gillum
Drew Herkey
Natalia Hernandez
Kennedy Heun
Piper Heun
Meagan Hill
Emersyn Holloway
McKinna Hudson
Lauren Huguet
Michelle Jenkins
Arslan Khan
Jordan Lewis
Tripp Lowry
Caroline Cook
Mary Scott Sevier
Luka Mikaberidze
Kenneth Moore, Jr.
David Nadeau
Maddie O'Neal
Shelby Owens
Elizabeth Payne
Rosalie Ray
Joseph Reale
Cash Revere
Maddison Reynolds
Emerson Sater
Kirsten Sepulvado
Caroline Smith
Eva Snead
Garrett Stroud
Kyrsten Thompson
Jennie Tichenor
Ella Hendrick
Seth Walker
Jitang Wang
Jordan Washington
Audrey Welch
Please submit your completed paper HERE by Friday, March 28.
If you are using presentation slides, please submit them HERE.
​​Congratulations! Your proposal has been selected for presentation at the 13th Annual Gayarre Conference to be held at the R.W. Norton Art Gallery on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 from 8am-4:00pm.
If you are unable to attend on that day, please let me know ASAP.
Please feel free to invite those who might be interested in hearing your paper to come to the conference. It is free and open to the public.
You should complete your research paper and submit it on our website ( no later than Sunday, March 24 for review. Your research paper should adhere to a traditional writing and citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) and should include citations of both primary and secondary research. There is no specific length requirement, but your paper should contain enough content for you to present for 7-9 minutes. Most presenters cover around 1 page of content per minute.
It is likely that you have never attended an academic conference so you might have questions about how to present. Here is a quick run-down of how this conference works: You will be placed on a panel of 3-5 conference presenters whose papers have a common theme or approach. Panel chairs (Gayarre Executive officers) will introduce each speaker using the bio you included, followed by you presenting your paper. You may read your paper or speak from note cards or speak extemporaneously. That is up to you. After all of the panelists have presented, there will be 10-15 minutes of open Q&A from the audience. They might ask you specific questions about your topic, or how it relates to the other topics. You do NOT have to know the answer. We are opening intellectual discussion and not knowing something just gives us the opportunity to think about it and continue our research. The panel chair might have some prepared questions as well. I encourage you to read the following articles about conference papers and to even look up past conference presentations on youtube or TED to get a feel for how you want to present.
Here are some links that can give you some great information about the format of the conference and general tips for presenting:
2016 Gayarre Conference Videos
How to Give an Effective Conference Paper
Conference Papers- UNC
As we approach the date of the conference, I will post a tentative schedule with your panel assignments and presentation times. If you have potential scheduling conflicts, please let me know ASAP.
There will be audio/visual equipment available at the conference if you choose to use it for your presentation. You are not required to have a visual presentation, but if you would like to use one to supplement your oral presentation, please let us know what equipment you will need when you submit your paper.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them of your instructor or email OR We are so excited for this academic conference and applaud your effort to participate and expand not only your knowledge and experience, but that of your classmates and community.